As an author, I find it very interesting how other writers formulate their ideas. I think I've tried everything: jot-list, flow-charts, recording myself, just writing and seeing what happens, which is often how I start; also why sometimes before I know it I'm lost in my own world...but I've never had this happen. The other day I was out with my wife and after about 20min sitting at a local coffee shop, yep, you guessed it, I plotted out nearly the entire outline for Book Two of the Kingdom Come Series. Insane, right? For weeks I've been going over Part II of Faces in Shadow and Shadows with Faces (fringe stories/characters within my series that will each be woven into the whole after a time) while also cleaning up/working-out chapters I already know have to be in the sequel and then suddenly...BAM! The outline wrote itself. I'll go ahead and say it, this book is going to be different in structure. Book One , for the most part, was linear: all the character...