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Showing posts from 2014

2015 Resolution for Writers: Be BIG (And Then, Be Small) by Chuck Wendig

Resolutions born of the new year are always a curious breed. They’re often criticized as change-filled (but empty) promises born more of the tradition of the date rather than as something you should do daily as part of the normal growth-and-learning cycle of we hairless orangutans prancing about on this little blue green bouncy ball winging its way through space. New Year Resolutions are perhaps like cards at Christmas: bought, filled with the rote script, placed on a mantle for a few weeks, then inevitably tossed in the bin with the other holiday trash. It’s true, to a point. But, just the same: one year to the next, one date to another, is a mark in time. Artificial, but hey, all of human society is artificial and it’s no less significant for its invention by us. The year is a bone suddenly broken —  snap . And in that sharp shock of transition, if what we get is an urge to change? So fucking be it. The ideal state would be that we ch...

Are you a BAT FAN?

Lord Of The Rings Mythology in 4min

FIRST BOOK GIVEAWAY is over...maybe not?

Thanks to everyone who entered to win the copies—it was awesome to see the numbers climb as more and more people learned about it. Reaching so many avid readers is all an author can hope for. Plenty of you also stopped by this blog, my FB and my Twitter. :) In the end, 278 people entered to win the free copies and of that, 155 people now have it on their to-read list. Cheers! The WINNERS HAVE BEEN CHOSEN!  I really hope you enjoy it.  *The books should be in the mail as soon as I get a day off to ship them* To those who didn't win, I appreciate you taking the time to enter. Great to know a lot of F/SF fans are interested in my work. Now, if you'd like me to put more copies up for a giveaway, shoot me a message, but lets make a game of it. If 279 people direct tweet, email or FB message me that you'd be interested in another few copies offered through #Goodreads, I'll do it. Lets see how long this takes. :) Thanks, Wade @wadejgarret

The Force Awakens!

It could've gone either way and either way would've been fine for this Bat Fan. :)

Some new Amazon REVIEWS! Thanks.

Lady Amanuet- Though I enjoy fantasy it is not a genre I usually default to. Genesis was recommended to me by a friend because of our mutual like of Dune. I was very impressed with this debut work! The worlds and characters are richly developed and Garret does a great job of drawing the reader in. I am excited to read the next installment! I gave this 4 instead of 5 because the complexity of the universe Garret created can be a bit confusing at times and the length can be a bit overwhelming to some. Customer- Wonderful world you can sink your teeth into. Story telling executed in a fantastic style that makes you want to keep reading. The characters jump off the page and make you believe in their journey. Good till then end. When is the next one? Sassy- This book was phenomenal! I am eagerly anticipating the next volume of this series! Wade, hurry it up!!! The characters are so full of depth, deep dialog, and detail that in reading, I felt I could hear them next ...

Mr. Rothfuss' thoughts on Literary Snobbery...

Here's Pat Rothfuss on literary-academic snobbery, after a professor at UW-Madison told students that going to hear him read wouldn't count for class credit BECAUSE HE WRITES FANTASY! Well said Pat.

The Flat-Heeled Muse, by the fantastic, Lloyd Alexander

The Flat-Heeled Muse April 1, 1965 The muse in charge of fantasy wears good, sensible shoes. No foam-born Aphrodite, she vaguely resembles my old piano teacher, who was keen on metronomes. She does not carry a soothing lyre for inspiration, but is more likely to shake you roughly awake at four in the morning and rattle a sheaf of subtle, sneaky questions under your nose. And you had better answer them. The Muse will stand for no nonsense (that is, non-sense). Her geometries are no more Euclidean than Einstein’s, but they are equally rigorous. I was aware of the problems and disciplines of fantasy, but in a left-handed sort of way; because there is a difference between knowing and doing. Until I met the Muse in Charge of Fantasy personally, I had no hint of what a virago she could be. Our first encounter was relatively cordial and came in the course of working on a book called Time Cat . I suspect I learn more from writing books than readers very likely learn from...

10 grammar rules YOU CAN FORGET by David Marsh

Guardian Style Guide author David Marsh set out to master perfect grammatical English – but discovered that 'correct' isn't always best. Here are the 10 grammar laws you no longer need to check 'To go boldly?' 'Negative, Captain, it's fine to split an infinitive.' Photograph: Cine Text/Sportsphoto Ltd/Allstar Every situation in which language is used – texting your mates, asking for a pay rise, composing a small ad, making a speech, drafting a will, writing up an experiment, praying, rapping, or any other – has its own conventions. You wouldn't expect a politician being interviewed by Kirsty Wark about the economy to start quoting Ludacris: "I keep my mind on my money, mo...

10 'grammar' rules' it's OK TO BREAK (sometimes) by Steven Pinker

You shudder at a split infinitive, know when to use 'that' or 'which' and would never confuse 'less' with 'fewer' – but are these rules always right, elegant or sensible, asks linguist Chief Justice John Roberts had Obama 'solemnly swear that I will execute the office of president to the United States faithfully'.    Among the many challenges of writing is dealing with rules of correct usage: whether to worry about split infinitives, fused participles, and the meanings of words such as "fortuitous", "decimate" and "comprise". Supposedly a writer has to choose between two radically different approaches to these rules. Prescriptivists prescribe how language ought to be used. They uphold standards of excellence and a respect for the best of our civilisati...

Newest Review and Interview!

Amazon Michael R. Collins- Complex and compelling. Diving into this book is diving into a complete world already served and delivered. The world in which Wade Garret has built is not one that is constructed as you go. It’s hard not to get sucked into the rich and developed story as well as the elaborate and well fleshed out characters. As we follow the main character Jak, the story chugs along, building up momentum and makes it hard to put down In the beginning you feel a little bombarded with all the little details, but the farther you get those details help guide you through and make it all the more real. This isn’t a book to expect to read quickly and move on. It’s a fantastic tome of sci-fi/fantasy immersion. And here's a link to my interview

You'd have nothing if WE didn't have THIS! :)

5 Most Common Writing Mistakes, otherwise known as WTF Moments, by Jefferson Smith.

The 5 Most Common Writing Mistakes That Break Reader Immersion August 26, 2014 , by Jefferson Smith Today marks the publication of the 50th review in my ImmerseOrDie indie book review series. For those who don’t regularly follow it, the premise is simple: every morning I step onto my treadmill, open a new indie ebook, and begin my daily walk, reading the book for as long as I can maintain my immersion. When that immersion has broken three times, I stop, and write up a short report of what caused my attention to wander. This article today is a reflection on the first 50 such reviews, and a synthesis of A) whether or not I’ve been consistent in my evaluations, and B) trends I’m seeing in the causes of those immersion breaks. Distribution To begin the analysis, I started with a simple graph. How many of the first 50 reports lasted less than 5 minutes, how many ran between 5 and 10 ...