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Showing posts from June, 2017

Wonder Woman

So, right out of the gate, let me say this movie was by far, I'll repeat that, BY FAR, the best the DCU has put out since MoS. Now, that being said, we can move forward and discuss this first ever film singularly depicting this TITAN of comic history and one of the HOLY TRINITY and founding members of the Justice League  *And no, Cyborg shouldn't be there, it should be Martian Manhunter :)   Ok, so, everything that takes place in Themiscyra was great. The Set. Costumes. Combat. Throne and some of the best acting moments in the whole movie. Even the fight on the beach, which I thought was going to be silly, was pretty cool.   All great.  The two women beside Diana, her Mother (right) her aunt (left) gave great performances. Maybe we'll see them again? Steve Trevor (Left of Diana) and his band of Misfit Soldiers were kinda, well, there as filler. Yet also somehow not needed. Kinda funny. Hints of complex backstories that...