First, let me say how hyped I was for this movie. I was nuts over it. These characters are my childhood, shit, my adulthood, more so than any other heroes. I was so excited that for the last month I was avoiding everything about it online and Tv; of course, you can't dodge it all, but I did my best. I was even taking the time to workout beforehand all the things I didn't understand, like or agree with, based on the trailers I'd seen (before going Dark) and telling all my friends my ideas as a way to counteract all the negative talk already circling the drain—and this was before the actual first reviews came out. I was supposed to see the movie with one of my best friends, a Die-In-the-Cape Superman aficionado, who like me, also enjoyed Man of Steel. But I'm glad I didn't see it with him, because he was loosing faith early on, despite all my theories and how I fervently denounced hater trash-talking—mostly cause many weren't fans of ...