It was good. Not great. But good. I feel much of the book's impact was lost, given the adjustment to Ender's age and the few more violent/psychological scenes which were clearly down-played; though I understand their reason. I don't agree, but I understand. What also didn't help was the fact Harrison Ford seemed to phone-in his performance for much of the movie. Perhaps it would've gone better simply to limit his role in the first place, give more time to the cadets? The climax, when THE MOMENT happens, is worth it though. All-in-all, B- is about how I feel about it. Alright, so I just (like the weekend it came out, sorry for posting so late) saw this and contrary to a friend's opinion, Malekith, in my humble opinion, is nowhere near the worst Marvel Villain ever. Still, by far, is the horror that was the deconstructed Mandarin. Anyway, the movie and Malekith were great. Lots of fun. It wasn't AMAZING. I think they missed out on a few moments h...